Air Force Officer Promotion Timeline

Learn about great opportunities for enlisted airmen officers and health care professionals.
Air force officer promotion timeline. Promotion increments outside the published 3 month window are subject to change especially the last quarter of the fiscal year as the air force must meet mandatory defense officer personnel management act and end strength levels by the end of each fiscal year. I think every officer afsc has some sort of officer assignment team page on air force portal. There are no warrant officers as are found in each of the other military branches and the us navy has a unique.
Air force promotion timeline. Being a reserve officer does not mean the officer is serving in the reserves. Promotion increments are posted quarterly on mypers 45 days prior to the beginning of the quarter.
Welcome to the united states air force. Army promotion timeline for brigadier general and above. There are four more grades to consider in your army career.
Under this program a recruit joins as an airman basic e 1 is promoted to airman e 2 after graduating basic training and advances to airman first class e 3 upon graduation from technical school or 20 weeks after graduation from basic training whichever occurs first. The air force is the only service that gives an accelerated promotion for those who agree to enlist for six years. This site provides commissioned airmen with critical information about pre board post board selective continuation promotion orders promotion appeals and links to other resources related to officer promotions.
If you search 13s in the search box on the upper right you ll see space operations 13s officers or space operations afpc 13s officer assignment team in the search results. Also in all four of these cases you will need to complete a full tour of joint duty with the air force marines navy or coast guard. The rank of second lieutenant is the lowest offer crank in the commissioned officer classification.
Also there are several paths to becoming an officer in the air force. The link above will navigate users to the active duty officer promotions webpage. Air force officer rank structure promotion requirements timeline november 12 2017 usaf officer the united states air force officer rank structure is similar to that of the other military branches with some notable exceptions.