Staff Officer

Staff officer synonyms staff officer pronunciation staff officer translation english dictionary definition of staff officer.
Staff officer. Staff officer definition is a commissioned officer assigned to a military commander s staff. Smallest unit to have a staff of officers in charge of personnel operations intelligence and logistics to assist the commander. Instructs skills at service schools and the united states army combat training centers and is often a staff officer at the battalion level.
Several battalions form a brigade which has 2 000 to 8 000 troops and is commanded by a brigadier general or a colonel. An army officer who helps the officer in charge to plan military activities 2. For example the provost marshal pm usually functions under the g 3 but coordinates with the g 1 g.
N a commissioned officer serving on the staff of a commander service or central headquarters collins english dictionary complete and unabridged 12th. Special staff officers usually deal routinely with more than one coordinating staff officer. The chief of staff of the army is a four star general.
Major maj o4 addressed as major. General staff in the military a group of officers that assists the commander of a division or larger unit by formulating and disseminating his policies transmitting his orders and overseeing their execution. Officers are leaders but to understand the extent of their leadership experience employers should be familiar with the pay grades.