Office 365 Password Expiration

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Office 365 password expiration. Technically speaking this is a good practice from the security perspective because it is highly recommended to refresh our password from time to time. Setting password policy can be complicated and confusing and this article provides recommendations to make your organization more secure against password attacks. If you don t want users to have to change passwords select the checkbox next to set user passwords to expire after a number of days.
Sign in to your office 365 account and go to the admin center. Select password expiration policy. The email is sent to a office 365 mailbox.
Under service settings select passwords. Enter the number of days before the password should expire between 14 and 730. Check out my previous post to learn a few rules that should be helpful when ensure office 365 password policy security.
By default the office 365 password policy is configured to enforce office 365 users to change their password every 90 days define as days before passwords expire. Enter the number of days before users are notified that their password will expire between 1 and 30. Password expire office 365 email notification send a email to a ad user warning that the password will expire in x days.
Office 365 admin center service settings passwords passwords never expire checkbox there are also settings for days before passwords expire and days before a user is notified that their password will expire which become grayed out when checking the never expire box. The only notification that o365 provides is a pop up in the windows notification area of the taskbar. After i sign up for an office 365 trial i created some users in office 365 we can also easily set up password expiration in office 365 for all the users.
Get azureaduser objectid user id or upn select object userprincipalname n passwordneverexpires e passwordpolicies contains. Type how often passwords should expire. Go to the security privacy page.